July 2024

1.      Welcome Christina Reich as she joins our childcare staff today. Let’s pray her transition and training go well and that The Lord uses her mightily.

2.      We thank God for Charity Humbles, our Food Services Manager. We are grateful for all that she does. Pray for continued energy for her work that is so valuable to us all.

3.      As we make our way into a new week and new month, let’s join in prayer for our President, Annette Reich, as she leads our campus and in all the ways that she serves FCHC.

4.      It is Independence Day for our nation. As we celebrate, let’s be thankful today for the blessing of freedom and remember it’s cost.

5.      Pray for Miss. Serafine as she joins us as a volunteer on campus for the first two weeks of this month.

6.      Pray for rest and strength for all that serve in this ministry. We are grateful for each staff member, volunteer, donor and prayer warrior. In Jesus name, ask God to bless each person that He connects with what He is doing in and through Four Corners Home for Children and Navajo Nation Outreach.

7.      Pray for the pastors across the Four Corners region who are sharing God’s Word today. Ask God to have His way in each service.

8.      Let’s pray for Chris, our Facilities Manager, and his wonderful children. We pray over his work in maintaining the campus of FCHC and his important role of father in his family.

9.      Pray for the homeless in our community to be able to find the help they need. Pray for their safety and well-being.

10.   Pray for Chuck Reich, our Navajo Nation Outreach Coordinator. As this ministry continues to grow and expand, pray for many to come to know Jesus, be established as His disciples, and experience victory over hopelessness, brokenness, and addictions.

11.   Pray for Zay and Mandy as they care for the children in our House of Faith, that they have continued peace in their calling. Pray for Zay’s safety and strength as he also serves on our grounds crew.

12.   Pray for our national leaders and New Mexico governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, as they create guidelines for our nation and state. Pray for our leaders to seek divine wisdom from The Lord as they lead us.

13.   Today marks 9 years of serving FCHC for Roger and Carol Kittle. We are grateful for their service in so many areas and especially their role as Poppy and Mimi.

14.   Pray for the churches in our area and beyond as they meet today to learn more about our Heavenly Father. Pray that each follower of Christ is empowered to minister wherever they are.

15.   Pray that Four Corners Home for Children is a light in the darkness for all who would come across our path. Pray that we each represent Jesus in each encounter.

16.   Join us in prayer for Disciple Mission Church (CO) as they stay on campus this week. They will be facilitating VBS at Fruitland Christian Fellowship. May God bless their willingness to serve.

17.   Pray for our counselor Kitrina Tamminga as she meets with the children in our care to encourage them and listen to them. Pray for clarity in her work with their little hearts and minds.

18.   Ministry is tough sometimes. Let’s pray today for the relationships on campus. Marriages, friends, and, yes, the relationship between the children and house parents. This community and it’s relationships are crucial to helping the children we care for feel seen, safe, and loved.

19.   Pray for Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ. Pray for their families who are anxious about their safety. Ask God to rescue them from their enemies and strengthen them through their trials.

20.   We thank The Lord for Hope Humbles, our Director of Education. Pray God continues to work in and through her in all the ways she serves our campus. We also thank God for her daughter Mariah.

21.   We host Antrim BIC (PA) on our campus this week. Let’s pray for them as they serve in the community.

22.   We give thanks today for each one of our donors who give monthly to help with our financial needs and obligations. We thank God for blessing them in their faithful commitment to Four Corners Home for Children.

23.   We celebrate Charles on his birthday today. We thank The Lord for his heart to serve and the leadership he provides our campus.

24.   Pray for our office staff, both full time and volunteer, as they work hard to keep the files updated, bills paid, greet visitors to FCHC, and perform their many other tasks.

25.   Pray for the completion of our House of Hope, and the Oregon couple praying toward joining our team as House Parents in that short-term placement home.

26.   Pray for our Board of Directors today as they meet and make decisions that impact this ministry.

27.   Pray for the natural parents of the children in our care to find strength, courage and confidence to be who God created them to be.

28.   Pray for Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren and VP Richelle Montoya. Pray for them to stand boldly for righteousness. Pray for integrity as they provide leadership for the people of Navajoland.

29.   Pray that our staff will remain healthy throughout the busy summer months. Pray for multiplied time and energy.

30.   Pray for those who lead our children in their spiritual growth. Pray for our childcare team, pastors, youth leaders, and counselors who interact with them regularly.

31.   Happy Birthday to Quincy. Let’s be sure to pray for God’s wisdom in his role as Director of Development for FCHC and pray for his family.


Thank you for praying with us!


We Are Free

Freedom is a concept that can be defined in various ways. Americans often turn to the Constitution to understand their freedom as citizens of the nation, while Christians look to Jesus Christ and The Word of God to comprehend their freedom in Christ. Regardless of our background, we all have the freedom to make choices, although we are not exempt from facing the consequences of those choices. This raises the question: what does this freedom actually entail? 

At FCHC, we believe in empowering our children by giving them choices to better prepare them for life. Life is filled with decisions, and we all require a process of preparation to navigate these choices and handle their outcomes. Our approach with children not only mirrors how God grants us the freedom to choose but also significantly impacts how they make decisions. It is a thought that crosses my mind almost daily. The Father's desire for a relationship with us was so profound that He sent His Son to pay the ultimate price, fully aware that many would reject His gift of salvation. 

In Galatians 5:13-14, we are reminded that we are called to live in freedom, but we should not misuse this freedom to indulge in sinful desires. Instead, we are encouraged to use our freedom to serve one another with love, as the entire law can be summarized in the command to love our neighbors as ourselves. 

As we navigate through our daily choices, let us remember that our decisions reflect our identity as believers in Christ and children of God. When making choices in fulfilling our mission at FCHC, let us demonstrate godly decision-making to the children under our care, serving as positive examples for them to follow. May our choices always convey to our children that they are valued, secure, and cherished. Through Jesus, we experience true freedom.


  • Praise God for His provision for needed campus upgrades.

  • Pray for our staff to rely on The Holy Spirit for discernment and direction in our choices.

  •    Pray for the children that need our care and that God’s providence shines in each case headed our way.


provides hope and restoration to families in Navajoland through the following programs:

House of Faith | House of Hope | Four Corners Academy for Excellence | Four Corners Families | Navajo Nation Outreach